Our current in-residence Fellow, David R. Montgomery, is profiled in The Dartmouth newspaper.
Francis Cohen ’20 wrote a profile of our current in-residence Montgomery Fellow David R. Montgomery for The Dartmouth newspaper.
Montgomery, no relation to Kenneth and Harle Montgomery who endowed the Montgomery Fellows Program in 1977, is a scientist and author who has most recently released The Hidden Half of Nature: The Microbial Roots of Life and Health with his wife Anne Biklé as co-author.
In the profile, Montgomery discusses what he has particularly enjoyed about his time as Montgomery Fellow here at Dartmouth and more.
From the article:
“Montgomery has so far thoroughly enjoyed his time here in Hanover, staying in the Montgomery House with his wife and their dog. He has especially appreciated the opportunity to spend time at a smaller institution compared to University of Washington’s student body population of 40,000. ‘It’s a lot more intimate, you can meet people and it’s a lot less hectic than being in Seattle on a huge campus, so it’s a really nice change of pace for me in that regard,’ he said."