While walking through Baker/Berry library, you may have noticed three banners from the Montgomery Fellows Program at Dartmouth.
Hanging from the stacks in Baker/Berry library near King Arthur Café, three large Montgomery Fellows Program banners greet students as they walk. The banners, a new promotional effort by the Montgomery Fellows Program to introduce itself and its upcoming Fellows to the student body, were designed by Lizzy Rogers '16.
Artist Eric van Hove, Winter '17 Fellow, graces one poster that illuminates his "subversive" and "conceptually poetic" approach to art.
Author Salman Rushdie, our forthcoming Summer '17 Fellow, gazes outwards as a quote from his latest book, Two Years Eight Months and Twenty-Eight Nights, reaffirms hope and love in readers.
The final banner states the mission of the Montgomery Fellows program to enrich “the Dartmouth community through connections with the world’s leading minds,” and to invite “distinguished luminaries, whose contributions to the universe of ideas and the cultural and political fabric of society have been notable and widely recognized.”
Only a sampling of our Fellows fit on that banner.
If you have the time, check out the banners in Baker/Berry along the stacks’ brick wall. Then let us know what you think.