As a cartoonist and graphic artist, Larry Gonick is a pioneering science and social science communicator best known for his various “Cartoon Guides” and “Cartoon Histories”, most notably The Cartoon History of the United States and the all-encompassing multivolume Cartoon History of the Universe (volume III was recognized with a Harvey Award – the “Oscar” for comics and cartoons, so to speak). His “Cartoon Guides” to statistics, algebra, calculus, computer science, physics, and chemistry, to name only a few, have become classics in the world of science, technology, engineering and mathematics. His Cartoon Guide to Genetics was among the earliest and most accurate modern introductions to the subject written for a broad audience and serving a generation of biology students as a study guide to the field. A Harvard graduate in mathematics with a broad interest in adjacent fields and beyond, Larry Gonick is considered “the most well-known and respected of cartoonists who have applied their craft to unraveling the mysteries of science”.