Mark Brzezinski ’87 and Diana Wall Are Montgomery Fellows
Two Montgomery Fellows—a diplomat and a scientist—will be on campus this term to engage the campus and the whole Dartmouth community on the theme of “Climate Change and Society.”
[more]Two Montgomery Fellows—a diplomat and a scientist—will be on campus this term to engage the campus and the whole Dartmouth community on the theme of “Climate Change and Society.”
[more]A wide-ranging discussion on current international events between Jake Sullivan and Dickey Center Director Daniel Benjamin.
[more]When he was a college student, Daniel Potts visited Dartmouth several times as a member of the Harvard soccer team. Now a professor of ancient Near Eastern archaeology and history at New York University’s Institute for the Study of the Ancient World, Potts returns to Dartmouth as a Montgomery Fellow for the 2014 spring term.
[more]Novelist Kurt Vonnegut, choreographer Merce Cunningham, philosopher Michel Foucault, Nobel Prize winning physicist Leon Lederman—the list of luminaries the Montgomery Endowment has brought to Dartmouth over its 36 years is a long one.
[more]Listen to the podcast interview with Montgomery Fellow Howard Morphy. Anthropologist Howard Morphy will talk about his research in a public lecture, “The Djan'kawu Sisters at Yalangbara: Material Expressions of Ancestral Agency” on October 19 at 5:30 p.m. in the Hood Museum of Art Auditorium (formerly the Loew Theater).