In an interview with the BBC, Dartmouth’s Marcelo Gleiser talks about the late neurologist Oliver Sacks, whom Gleiser met in Sau Paulo, Brazil, in the late 1990s.
Sacks, says Gleiser, a professor of physics and astronomy and the Appleton Professor of Natural Philosophy, “had this power of bringing out lives that were forgotten by most people through his beautiful, lyrical writing of the human condition. I think he has basically liberated so many people that had been in the fringes for so long. That was very much one of the wonderful things he did for humanity.”
When asked by the BBC how Sacks will be remembered, Gleiser says, “I think he is going to be remembered as a scientist humanist, as someone that, through his science, managed to illuminate the human condition in ways that very few scientists can.”
Listen to the full story, broadcast 8/31/15 by the BBC.
In February 2015, Gleiser wrote about Sacks in his NPR blog “13.7 Cosmos & Culture.”
Many members of the Dartmouth community remember Sacks not only for his many books and articles and appearances, but also from the time Sacks spent on campus as a Montgomery Fellow in 2005.