Wallace Stegner was a prolific novelist and short story writer, whose work largely centers about life in the American West. Major titles by Stegner include The Preacher and the Slave, a fictionalized account of labor leader Joe Hill; Angle of Repose, a reconstruction of the life of Western novelist Mary Hallock Foote, for which Stegner won the Pulitzer Prize; the 1977 National Book Award winner The Spectator Bird; and the semi-autobiographical novel Crossing to Safety. Over the course of his career, Stegner received numerous awards in addition to the Pulitzer and National Book Award, including the Little Brown Prize, the Houghton-Mifflin Life-in-America Award, and the Anisfield-Wolf Book Award. He also earned a Rockefeller Fellowship, a Wenner-Gren Foundation grant, two Commonwealth Club Gold Medals, three O. Henry Awards, and two Guggenheim Fellowships.